- Pictorial Library
- Galilée et Nord
- Samarie et Centre
- Jérusalem
- Juda et Mer Morte
- Néguev et Désert
- Jordanie
- Egypte
- Liban
- Turquie Orientale et Centrale
- Turquie Occidentale
- Grèce
- Les Iles Grecques
- Chypre et Crète
- Italie et Malte
- Rome
- Arbres, Plantes, et Fleurs
- Images Culturelles de la Terre Sainte
- Pancartes de la Terre Sainte
- Collection Complète
Pictorial Library

Toutes les images sont des fichiers jpg de haute résolution (1600 x 1200 ou plus), idéales pour projection dans les classes, pour visionnage sur un moniteur ou pour être imprimées. Aussi, sont compris sur chaque DVD des fichiers PowerPoint déjà préparés sur chaque région (avec annotations pour les photos), des cartes d’identification de sites, un index d’images, et un index de sites.
En savoir plus sur les sites dans ce Volume
Index of Photographs on this DVD
- Abu Simbel
- Abusir
- Abydos
- Alexandria
- Aswan
- Beni Hasan
- Cairo
- Dashur
- Delta
- Edfu
- Giza Pyramids
- Karnak Temple
- Kom Ombo
- Luxor Temple
- Luxor-Medinet Habu
- Luxor-West Bank
- Meidum, El-Lahun, Lisht
- Memphis
- Nile River Valley
- Saqqara
- Scenes of Egypt
- Sinai Peninsula
- Sinai-Jebel Musa, Mount Sinai
- Sinai-Serabit El-Khadim
- Sinai-Wadi Feiran
- Tell el-Amarna
Abu Simbel (12)
Abu Simbel Hathor’s temple, tbs90309701
Abu Simbel Ramses II’s statue from below, tbs90339701
Abu Simbel Ramses II’s temple from top of Hathor temple, tbs90359701
Abu Simbel Ramses II’s temple inside central aisle, tbs90349701
Abu Simbel Ramses II’s temple, tbs90289701
Abu Simbel Ramses II’s temple, tbs90299701
Abu Simbel temples on edge of Lake Nasser, tbs90329701
Abu Simbel interior of artificial mountain made for Ramses II’s temple, tbs90319701
Drawings inside Ramses II’s temple, dg041901605
Ramses II on chariot, dg041901630
Ramses II’s temple, dg041901635
Statues inside Ramses II’s temple, dg041901641
Abusir (12)
Abusir causeway to Sahure pyramid, tb010705847
Abusir Niuserre pyramid, tb010705830
Abusir northern pyramids, tb010705810
Abusir Ptahshepses mastaba entrance, tb010705828
Abusir Ptahshepses mastaba inscribed column, tb010705843
Abusir Ptahshepses mastaba southwest corner, tb010705836
Abusir pyramids, tb010705844
Abusir Sahure pyramid and Ptahshepses mastaba, tb010705833
Abusir Sahure pyramid with causeway, tb010705814
Abusir Sahure pyramid with mortuary temple, tb010705820
Abusir sarcophagi of Ptahshepses and wife, tb010705841
Giza pyramids from Abusir, tb010705824
Abydos (26)
Abydos Temple of Seti I carvings, tb010905416
Abydos Temple of Seti I carvings, tb010905420
Abydos Temple of Seti I carvings, tb010905429
Abydos Temple of Seti I carvings, tb010905430
Abydos Temple of Seti I chamber, tb010905422
Abydos Temple of Seti I from courtyard, tb010905453
Abydos Temple of Seti I hypostyle hall carvings, tb010905389
Abydos Temple of Seti I hypostyle hall carvings, tb010905394
Abydos Temple of Seti I hypostyle hall carvings, tb010905396
Abydos Temple of Seti I hypostyle hall carvings, tb010905398
Abydos Temple of Seti I hypostyle hall carvings, tb010905403
Abydos Temple of Seti I hypostyle hall carvings, tb010905405
Abydos Temple of Seti I hypostyle hall carvings, tb010905406
Abydos Temple of Seti I hypostyle hall carvings, tb010905408
Abydos Temple of Seti I hypostyle hall carvings, tb010905409
Abydos Temple of Seti I hypostyle hall carvings, tb010905410
Abydos Temple of Seti I hypostyle hall carvings, tb010905411
Abydos Temple of Seti I hypostyle hall, tb010905447
Abydos Temple of Seti I king list with Seti and Ramses II, tb010905437
Abydos Temple of Seti I king list, tb010905435
Abydos Temple of Seti I sanctuaries from north, tb010905400
Abydos Temple of Seti I sanctuary carvings, tb010905412
Abydos Temple of Seti I sanctuary carvings, tb010905413
Abydos Temple of Seti I unfinished area, tb010905418
Abydos Temple of Seti I, Osiris dead with Isis, tb010905431
Abydos Temple of Seti I, to sanctuary of Amun, tb010905450
Alexandria (22)
Alexandria bay to east, tb110800202
Alexandria bay to west, tb110800203
Alexandria catacombs entrance shaft, tb110800205
Alexandria catacombs ground level, tb110800206
Alexandria catacombs principal tomb sarcophagus, tb110800210
Alexandria catacombs principal tomb sarcophagus, tb110800211
Alexandria catacombs principal tomb, tb110800212
Alexandria catacombs triclineum, tb110800214
Alexandria catacombs, tb110800207
Alexandria catacombs, tb110800208
Alexandria catacombs, tb110800209
Alexandria Eliyahu Hanavi synagogue, tb110800502
Alexandria excavations near theater, tb110800215
Alexandria fishermen, tb110800216
Alexandria Fort Qaitbey across bay, tb110800218
Alexandria Fort Qaitbey from west, tb110800219
Alexandria Pompey’s Pillar and Serapeum, tb110800221
Alexandria Pompey’s Pillar, tb110800222
Alexandria Roman theater, tb110800457
Alexandria Roman theater, tb110800458
Alexandria Serapeum, tb110800470
Alexandria Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, tb110800518
Aswan (55)
Aswan from Nile River, tbs90249701
Aswan High Dam view north of Nile River, tbs101039811
Aswan High Dam with Lake Nasser, tbs91029701
Aswan market at night, tb110700231
Elephantine Island across Nile River, tb110700275
Elephantine Island excavations and temples, tb110700276
Elephantine Island excavations on south side, tbs101099811
Elephantine Island excavations, tbs90219701
Elephantine Island excavations, tbs90229701
Elephantine Island from east bank of Nile, tbs101089811
Elephantine Island from south, tb110700277
Elephantine Island Nilometer with water, dg041801622
Elephantine Island Nilometer, tb110700278
Elephantine Island pharaonic Nilometer, tb110700279
Elephantine Island Roman and Arabic Nilometers, tb110700280
Elephantine Island Roman and Arabic Nilometers, tbs90189701
Elephantine Island ruins from distance, tbs90159701
Elephantine Island Satet Temple, Dynasty 1, tb110700281
Elephantine Island Satet Temple, Dynasty 18, tb110700282
Elephantine Island southern end aerial from east, bb52206238
Elephantine Island southern excavations, tb110700283
Elephantine Island with feluccas, tbs90139701
Felucca on Nile in Aswan, tb110700286
Feluccas on Nile in Aswan, tb110700287
First Cataract area just north of Old Aswan Dam, tbs101049811
Kitchener’s Island in Aswan, tb110700348
Nile River and Elephantine Island from northeast, tbs111080011
Nile River from Kitchener’s Island view north, tbs101129811
Nile River in Aswan, tb110700409
Nile River in Aswan, tb110700410
Nile River looking north in Aswan, tbs111070011
Nile River with Qubbet el-Hawwa above, tbs111060011
Nubian making mud bricks on Elephantine Island, dg041801623
Philae Island, now submerged, tb110700416
Philae Temple from west, tb110700420
Philae Temple kiosk of Trajan, tb110700422
Philae Temple kiosk of Trajan, tb110700423
Philae Temple kiosk of Trajan, tb110700424
Philae Temple kiosk of Trajan, tb110700425
Philae Temple Nilometer, tb110700426
Philae Temple Nilometer, tb110700427
Philae Temple Nilometer, tb110700428
Philae Temple Nilometer, tb110700429
Philae Temple Nilometer, tb110700430
Philae Temple on new island, tb110700431
Philae Temple outer court and first pylon, tb110700417
Philae Temple outer court and first pylon, tb110700418
Philae Temple outer court to south, tb110700419
Philae Temple second pylon, tb110700432
Qubbet el-Hawwa from Kitchener Island, dg041801629
Sycamore-fig tree on Elephantine Island, tbs101119811
Unfinished obelisk from bottom, tb110700524
Unfinished obelisk from top, tb110700526
Unfinished obelisk from top, tbs101069811
Unfinished obelisk, tb110700528
Beni Hasan (8)
Beni Hasan upper necropolis tomb 11, tb010805122
Beni Hasan upper necropolis tomb of Amenemhet interior, tb010805126
Beni Hasan upper necropolis tomb of Amenemhet wall painting, tb010805128
Beni Hasan upper necropolis tomb of Khnumhotep II exterior, tb010805133
Beni Hasan upper necropolis tomb painting of Asiatics arriving, tb010805131
Beni Hasan upper necropolis tombs exterior, tb010805135
Beni Hasan upper necropolis tombs from below, tb010805110
Beni Hasan upper necropolis tombs, tb010805137
Cairo (11)
Ben Ezra Synagogue, tbs58309012
Cairo plaza, tbs89189701
Cairo tower view of the Nile and Cairo, tbs91039701
Cairo view from Sheraton hotel, jkl112203440
Citadel Mosque exterior, tbs59019012
Citadel Mosque fountain for washing, tbs58359012
Citadel Mosque interior, tbs58329012
City of the Dead, tbs59029012
Muhammad Ali mosque, df070102103
Ramses St in downtown Cairo, mf113002030
View of Cairo from Citadel Mosque, tbs58369012
Dashur (18)
Dashur Bent Pyramid closeup of outer casing, tbs102079811
Dashur Bent Pyramid closeup, tb110400235
Dashur Bent Pyramid corner with casing, tb110400236
Dashur Bent Pyramid northeast corner, tbs102049811
Dashur Bent Pyramid northeast corner, tbs102069811
Dashur Bent Pyramid outer casing, tb110400234
Dashur Bent Pyramid outer casing, tbs102059811
Dashur Bent Pyramid with casing, tb110400237
Dashur Bent Pyramid, tb110400238
Dashur Bent Pyramid, tbs102089811
Dashur Bent Pyramid, tbs102109811
Dashur Red Pyramid interior passageway, tbs102139811
Dashur Red Pyramid interior with pyramid ceiling, tbs102129811
Dashur Red Pyramid northwest corner, tb110400453
Dashur Red Pyramid with Bent Pyramid, tb110400454
Dashur Red Pyramid with camel, tb110400455
Dashur Red Pyramid, tb110400456
Dashur Red Pyramid, tbs102099811
Delta (72)
Brick building near Tanis, tb010605727
Fields near Great Bitter Lake, tb010605522
Fields near Tell el-Daba, tb010605757
Fields near Tell el-Daba, tb010605761
Fields of Nile Delta near Tanis, tb010605709
Fields of Nile Delta near Tanis, tb010605710
Fields of Nile Delta near Tanis, tb010605711
Fields of Nile Delta near Tanis, tb010605728
Fields of Nile Delta near Tanis, tb010605734
Fields of Nile Delta with shelter near Tanis, tb010605737
Goat and sheep near Tell el-Daba, tb010605764
Great Bitter Lake southern end from west, tb010605514
Great Bitter Lake southern end, tb010605516
Great Bitter Lake with fishing boats, tb010605511
Great Bitter Lake with fishing boats, tb010605512
Great Bitter Lake with tankers, tb010605523
Lake Timsah from north, tb010605557
Lake Timsah from northeast, tb010605559
Lake Timsah from northeast, tb010605562
Lake Timsah from northeast, tb010605563
Sunrise in eastern Nile Delta, at010605110
Sunrise near Heliopolis, at010605105
Tanis, Zoan, architectural decoration like menorah, tb010605642
Tanis, Zoan, architectural fragments, tb010605652
Tanis, Zoan, architectural fragments, tb010605655
Tanis, Zoan, broken obelisk, tb010605658
Tanis, Zoan, broken statues of pharaoh, tb010605660
Tanis, Zoan, fragments by Great Temple of Amun west gate of Shoshenq III, tb010605703
Tanis, Zoan, Great Temple of Amun west gate of Shoshenq III approach, tb010605645
Tanis, Zoan, Great Temple of Amun west gate of Shoshenq III from north, tb010605686
Tanis, Zoan, Great Temple of Amun west gate of Shoshenq III from southeast, tb010605702
Tanis, Zoan, Great Temple of Amun west gate of Shoshenq III, tb010605649
Tanis, Zoan, Great Temple of Amun, view to east, tb010605684
Tanis, Zoan, Great Temple of Amun, view to east, tb010605689
Tanis, Zoan, mudbrick structures, tb010605678
Tanis, Zoan, royal tombs of 21st and 22nd Dynasties, tb010605692
Tanis, Zoan, royal tombs wall painting, tb010605695
Tanis, Zoan, statue of pharaoh, tb010605648
Tanis, Zoan, stele near Great Temple of Amun west gate of Shoshenq III, tb010605704
Tanis, Zoan, tomb of Shoshenq III, tb010605690
Tanis, Zoan, view to east, tb010605683
Tell el-Daba excavation headquarters, tb010605755
Tell el-Daba from northwest, tb010605747
Tell el-Daba from south, tb010605751
Tell el-Daba from west, tb010605746
Tell el-Daba from west, tb010605750
Tell el-Daba from west, tb010605753
Tell el-Maskhuta excavations on west end, tb010605595
Tell el-Maskhuta excavations on west end, tb010605600
Tell el-Maskhuta excavations view to east, tb010605578
Tell el-Maskhuta excavations, tb010605585
Tell el-Maskhuta mudbricks, tb010605581
Tell el-Maskhuta mudbricks, tb010605582
Tell el-Maskhuta sarcophagus, tb010605568
Tell el-Maskhuta stone monument, tb010605592
Tell el-Maskhuta view to west, tb010605583
Tell el-Yehudiyeh Ptolemaic remains from east, at010705121
Tell el-Yehudiyeh, Hyksos enclosure from east, tb010705804
Tell el-Yehudiyeh, Hyksos enclosure from northeast, tb010705772
Tell el-Yehudiyeh, Hyksos enclosure from south, tb010705807
Tell el-Yehudiyeh, Hyksos enclosure from southeast, tb010705779
Tell el-Yehudiyeh, Ptolemaic ruins from north, tb010705777
Tell el-Yehudiyeh, Ptolemaic ruins from south, tb010705775
Tell el-Yehudiyeh, Ptolemaic ruins from south, tb010705788
Tell er-Retabeh excavated building, tb010605627
Tell er-Retabeh excavated squares, tb010605638
Tell er-Retabeh excavations, tb010605621
Tell er-Retabeh excavations, tb010605623
Tell er-Retabeh excavations, tb010605624
Tell er-Retabeh excavations, tb010605633
Tell er-Retabeh mudbricks, tb010605634
Wadi Tumilat canal view to east, tb010605614
Edfu (39)
Edfu Temple of Horus courtyard colonnade, tb011005581
Edfu Temple of Horus courtyard, empty cartouche, tb011005487
Edfu Temple of Horus courtyard, Feast of Beautiful Meeting, tb011005477
Edfu Temple of Horus courtyard, Feast of Beautiful Meeting, tb011005483
Edfu Temple of Horus courtyard, Feast of Beautiful Meeting, tb011005484
Edfu Temple of Horus courtyard, tb011005476
Edfu Temple of Horus courtyard, various carvings, tb011005493
Edfu Temple of Horus courtyard, various symbols, tb011005494
Edfu Temple of Horus courtyard, various symbols, tb011005495
Edfu Temple of Horus girdle wall, Seth as hippopotamus, tb011005571
Edfu Temple of Horus girdle wall, triumph of Horus over Seth, tb011005570
Edfu Temple of Horus girdle wall, triumph of Horus over Seth, tb011005575
Edfu Temple of Horus girdle wall, triumph of Horus over Seth, tb011005576
Edfu Temple of Horus girdle wall, triumph of Horus over Seth, tb011005580
Edfu Temple of Horus granite falcon, tb011005471
Edfu Temple of Horus pronaos screen wall carvings, tb011005501
Edfu Temple of Horus pylon carvings, tb011005466
Edfu Temple of Horus pylon carvings, tb011005468
Edfu Temple of Horus pylon from south, tb011005462
Edfu Temple of Horus pylon from south, tb011005464
Edfu Temple of Horus, birth house, Horus suckled by Isis, tb011005459
Edfu Temple of Horus, birth house, tb011005586
Edfu Temple of Horus, Horus’ barque replica, tb011005556
Edfu Temple of Horus, Horus Sanctuary, granite shrine, tb011005548
Edfu Temple of Horus, hypostyle hall, tb011005540
Edfu Temple of Horus, Laboratory inscriptions, tb011005522
Edfu Temple of Horus, Laboratory inscriptions, tb011005523
Edfu Temple of Horus, Laboratory inscriptions, tb011005526
Edfu Temple of Horus, Laboratory inscriptions, tb011005529
Edfu Temple of Horus, Laboratory inscriptions, tb011005532
Edfu Temple of Horus, Laboratory inscriptions, tb011005535
Edfu Temple of Horus, Library chamber, tb011005502
Edfu Temple of Horus, Linen Sanctuary, tb011005550
Edfu Temple of Horus, Nilometer, tb011005563
Edfu Temple of Horus, pronaos capital, tb011005515
Edfu Temple of Horus, pronaos capital, tb011005516
Edfu Temple of Horus, pronaos, tb011005512
Edfu Temple of Horus, Sanctuary carvings, tb011005551
Edfu Temple of Horus, staircase to roof, tb011005560
Giza Pyramids (63)
Cairo stables at base of pyramids, tbs100199811
Cairo stables at base of pyramids, tbs89299701
Causeway from Chefren’s Pyramid, tbs100269811
Chefren’s and Mycerinus’ Pyramids with smaller pyramids of queens, tb110400252
Chefren’s Pyramid burial chamber, tbs58069012
Chefren’s Pyramid interior passageway, tbs58049012
Chefren’s Pyramid interior passageway, tbs58059012
Chefren’s Pyramid outer casing at top closeup, tbs100259811
Chefren’s Pyramid outer casing at top, tb110400253
Chefren’s Pyramid with desert, tbs89259701
Chefren’s Pyramid with excavations in foreground, tbs89249701
Chefren’s Pyramid, tb110400254
Chefren’s Pyramid, tb110400255
Chefren’s Pyramid, tb110400256
Chefren’s Valley Temple and Sphinx from above, tb110400257
Chefren’s Valley Temple near Sphinx, tbs58149012
Chefren’s Valley Temple to Mortuary causeway, tbs100299811
Cheops’ and Chefren’s pyramids, tb110400258
Cheops’ and Chefren’s pyramids, tbs58109012
Giza pyramid boat pit, bb21360063
Great Pyramid of Cheops with Chefren’s Pyramid in back, tbs100209811
Great Pyramid of Cheops with Chefren’s Pyramid, tbs58019012
Great Pyramid of Cheops with Solar Boat museum, tb110400293
Great Pyramid of Cheops, mm091206007
Great Pyramid of Cheops, outer face, tbs57369012
Great Pyramid of Cheops, outer limestone casing, tb110400292
Great Pyramid of Cheops, outer limestone casing, tbs100179811
Great Pyramid of Cheops, tb110400294
Great Pyramid of Cheops, tbs58029012
Great Pyramid of Cheops, tbs89229701
Mycerinus’ Pyramid carved passageway, tbs100229811
Mycerinus’ Pyramid casing and collapse, tb110400405
Mycerinus’ Pyramid casing at bottom, tb110400406
Mycerinus’ Pyramid innermost burial chamber, tbs100219811
Mycerinus’ Pyramid outer granite casing, tbs100239811
Mycerinus’ Pyramid outer granite casing, tbs100249811
Mycerinus’ Pyramid outer granite casing, tbs58079012
Mycerinus’ Pyramid with smaller pyramid of queen to south, tb110400407
Quarry next to Great Pyramid of Cheops, tb110400436
Quarry next to Great Pyramid of Cheops, tbs100189811
Quarry, fallen casing around Chefren’s Pyramid, tb110400437
Solar barge of Cheops, mm091206004
Solar barge of Cheops, mm091206006
Solar Boat Museum, tb110400483
Sphinx and Mycerinus’ Pyramid at sunset, tb110400484
Sphinx body from back, tbs58159012
Sphinx from above, tb110400486
Sphinx with bedrock from which it was carved, tbs100279811
Sphinx with Chefren’s and Mycerinus’ Pyramids, tbs89239701
Sphinx with Chefren’s Pyramid, tbs58129012
Sphinx with Great Pyramid of Cheops, dg041601603
Sphinx with Mycerinus’ Pyramid, tbs100289811
Sphinx’s face, bb21360097
Sphinx’s face, tbs58139012
Sunset over Mycerinus’ Pyramid, mf113002034
Three Great Pyramids of Giza, tbs89269701
Three Great Pyramids with smaller pyramids of queens, tb110400508
Three great pyramids with smaller pyramids of queens, tbs89289701
Three Pyramids of Giza, tbs58099012
Tomb of Senegemib Mehi, vizier of Dynasty 5, tb110400517
Tombs west of Great Pyramid of Cheops, tb110400519
Two largest pyramids with desert and city, tbs89279701
Two piers in front of Chefren’s Valley Temple, tbs100309811
Karnak Temple (67)
Karnak Temple botanical garden of Thutmose III , tb110500241
Karnak Temple botanical garden of Thutmose III, tb110500242
Karnak Temple carving in hypostyle hall, tb011105032
Karnak Temple Central Court, tb110500327
Karnak Temple closeup of Ram-lion Amon-ra, tbs59129012
Karnak Temple Colossi by 8th Pylon, tb110500259
Karnak Temple east-west axis, tb110500329
Karnak Temple facade, tb011105036
Karnak Temple facade, tb011105039
Karnak Temple facade, tb110500333
Karnak Temple Great Court, tb110500334
Karnak Temple Hatshepsut’s Obelisk top, tb110500298
Karnak Temple hypostyle hall colored painting, tb110500335
Karnak Temple hypostyle hall with two obelisks, tb110500313
Karnak Temple hypostyle hall, tb011105962
Karnak Temple hypostyle hall, tb011105969
Karnak Temple hypostyle hall, tb011105990
Karnak Temple hypostyle hall, tb110500340
Karnak Temple hypostyle hall, tbs59159012
Karnak Temple nilometer, tb110500342
Karnak Temple nilometer, tb110500343
Karnak Temple sacred barque sanctuary from east, tb011105975
Karnak Temple sacred barque sanctuary, tb110500346
Karnak Temple sacred barque sanctuary, tb110500347
Karnak Temple sacred lake to northwest, tb110500459
Karnak Temple sacred lake to northwest, tb110500460
Karnak Temple sacred lake to southwest, tb110500461
Karnak Temple sacred lake, tbs59219012
Karnak Temple Thutmose III statue by city list, tb110500512
Karnak Temple view from Holy of Holies, tbs59189012
Karnak Temple, avenue of ram-headed sphinxes, tb011105035
Karnak Temple, avenue of ram-headed sphinxes, tb110500326
Karnak Temple, botanical garden of Thutmose III , tb110500240
Karnak Temple, botanical garden of Thutmose III, tb011105977
Karnak Temple, botanical garden of Thutmose III, tb110500239
Karnak Temple, Bubastite Portal, Shishak campaign to Canaan, tb011105942
Karnak Temple, Bubastite Portal, Shishak campaign to Canaan, tb011105943
Karnak Temple, Bubastite Portal, Shishak campaign to Canaan, tb011105945
Karnak Temple, Bubastite Portal, Shishak campaign to Canaan, tb011105946
Karnak Temple, Bubastite Portal, Shishak campaign to Canaan, tb011105947
Karnak Temple, Bubastite Portal, Shishak campaign to Canaan, tb011105951
Karnak Temple, Bubastite Portal, Shishak’s campaign to Canaan view east, tb110500248
Karnak Temple, colossus of Ramses II, tb011105956
Karnak Temple, Great Court northern colonnade, tb110500291
Karnak Temple, Kamose stele, wars against Hyksos, tb011105957
Karnak Temple, Merneptah against Ashkelon, tb011105005
Karnak Temple, Merneptah against Gezer, Yanoam, tb011105010
Karnak Temple, Merneptah against Israel, Ashkelon, tb011105003
Karnak Temple, Merneptah against Israel, Ashkelon, tb011105011
Karnak Temple, mudbrick against First Pylon, tb011105033
Karnak Temple, obelisk of Hatshepsut, tb011105973
Karnak Temple, obelisk of Thutmose I, tb011105986
Karnak Temple, obelisks of Thutmose I and Hatshepsut, tb110500344
Karnak Temple, Pharaoh etched out, df070202101
Karnak Temple, Ramses II treaty with Hittites, tb011105996
Karnak Temple, Seti I campaign to Canaan, tb011105912
Karnak Temple, Seti I campaign to Canaan, tb011105914
Karnak Temple, Seti I holding enemies by hair, tb011105029
Karnak Temple, shrine of Seti II, tb011105034
Karnak Temple, Temple of Ramses III court, tb110500505
Karnak Temple, Temple of Ramses III, tb110500507
Karnak Temple, Thutmose III Canaan campaign, tb011105019
Karnak Temple, Thutmose III Canaan campaign, tb011105020
Karnak Temple, Thutmose III Canaan campaign, tb011105021
Karnak Temple, Thutmose III Canaan campaign, tb011105022
Karnak Temple, Thutmose III holding enemies by hair, tb110500415
Thutmose III wall hiding obelisk of Hatshepsut, tbs101189811
Kom Ombo (25)
Archimedean water screw at Kom Ombo, tb011005705
Kiln at Kom Ombo, tb011005715
Kom Ombo temple cartouche, tb011005607
Kom Ombo temple carvings, medical instruments, tb011005628
Kom Ombo temple carvings, tb011005611
Kom Ombo temple carvings, tb011005612
Kom Ombo temple from northwest, tb011005630
Kom Ombo temple from south, tb011005659
Kom Ombo temple from south, tb011005661
Kom Ombo temple from southwest, tb011005652
Kom Ombo temple from west, tb011005633
Kom Ombo temple, birth house of Ptolemy VII, tb011005664
Kom Ombo temple, carvings with two deities, tb011005645
Kom Ombo temple, Hathor chapel, tb011005656
Kom Ombo temple, painted vultures on ceiling, tb011005614
Kom Ombo temple, painted vultures on ceiling, tb011005616
Kom Ombo temple, sacred well, tb011005641
Kom Ombo, sanctuaries of Haroeris and Sobek, tb011005620
Pottery kiln at Kom Ombo, tb011005711
Pottery kiln at Kom Ombo, tb011005712
Pottery kiln at Kom Ombo, tb011005713
Shaduf at Kom Ombo, tb011005700
Slow potter’s wheel at Kom Ombo, tb011005710
Threshing machine at Kom Ombo, tb011005708
Weaving loom at Kom Ombo, tb011005721
Luxor Temple (37)
Luxor Temple Avenue of Sphinxes and facade, tb011005727
Luxor Temple Avenue of Sphinxes, tb011005744
Luxor Temple Avenue of Sphinxes, tb110500232
Luxor Temple Avenue of Sphinxes, tb110500356
Luxor Temple barque shrine of Amun, tb011005778
Luxor Temple carvings near shrine, tb011005775
Luxor Temple carvings near shrine, tb011005776
Luxor Temple Colonnade of Amenhotep III, tb011005761
Luxor Temple colossi of Ramses II, tb011005749
Luxor Temple Court of Amenhotep III, tb011005770
Luxor Temple Court of Amenhotep III, tb011005772
Luxor Temple Court of Amenhotep III, tb011005773
Luxor Temple Court of Amenhotep III, tb110500357
Luxor Temple Court of Ramses II, tb011005758
Luxor Temple entrance with door before excavation, tb110500358
Luxor Temple facade and obelisk, tb011005741
Luxor Temple facade from north, tb011005735
Luxor Temple facade, Ramses II battle of Kadesh, tb011005753
Luxor Temple Feast of Opet acrobats, tb110500361
Luxor Temple Feast of Opet carvings, tb011005767
Luxor Temple Feast of Opet food, tb110500362
Luxor Temple Feast of Opet panel, tb110500363
Luxor Temple Feast of Opet pulling boat, tb110500364
Luxor Temple Feast of Opet transport of boat, tb110500365
Luxor Temple from north, tb011005787
Luxor Temple from north, tb011005788
Luxor Temple from north, tb110500370
Luxor Temple from west, tb110600371
Luxor Temple obelisk, tb011005746
Luxor Temple Serapis chapel, tb011005740
Luxor Temple sphinx, tb110500372
Luxor Temple statue in Court of Ramses II, tb011005759
Luxor Temple view north from Court of Amenhotep III, tb110500373
Luxor Temple view north from Court of Amenhotep III, tb110500374
Luxor Temple with Avenue of Sphinxes, tb110500377
Luxor Temple with Avenue of Sphinxes, tb110500378
Luxor Temple, view from shrine to entrance, tb011005780
Luxor-Medinet Habu (47)
Medinet Habu aerial from east, bb21760063
Medinet Habu aerial, bb21760091
Medinet Habu colonnade, tb110600382
Medinet Habu colored drawings on Second Pylon, mf113002019
Medinet Habu counting hands, tb110600385
Medinet Habu first pylon, tb011105898
Medinet Habu hypostyle hall, tb110600386
Medinet Habu migdol gate from inside, tb110600503
Medinet Habu migdol gate from south, tb011105903
Medinet Habu migdol gate, tbs109240011
Medinet Habu north wall, tb011105828
Medinet Habu north wall, tb011105873
Medinet Habu north wall, tb110600387
Medinet Habu temple with sacred lake, tb011105900
Medinet Habu temple, tb110600388
Medinet Habu window of appearing, tb110600390
Medinet Habu, columns with colors, tb011105881
Medinet Habu, columns with colors, tb011105888
Medinet Habu, columns with colors, tb110600383
Medinet Habu, lion hunt scene with soldiers, tb011105869
Medinet Habu, lion hunt scene with soldiers, tb011105872
Medinet Habu, monkey procession, mf113002022
Medinet Habu, Philistine captives at celebration of victory over Sea Peoples, tb011105848
Medinet Habu, Philistine captives at celebration of victory over Sea Peoples, tb011105849
Medinet Habu, Philistine captives at Sea Peoples sea battle, tb011105854
Medinet Habu, Philistine captives at Sea Peoples sea battle, tb011105856
Medinet Habu, Philistine captives presented to Egyptian gods, tb110600434
Medinet Habu, pile of hands for counting dead, tb011105877
Medinet Habu, pile of hands for counting dead, tb011105878
Medinet Habu, pile of tongues for counting dead, tb110600265
Medinet Habu, Ramses III at Sea Peoples sea battle, tb110600449
Medinet Habu, Ramses III’s palace and window, tb110600450
Medinet Habu, Ramses III’s palace, tb110600451
Medinet Habu, Ramses III’s palace, tb110600452
Medinet Habu, reliefs with colors, tb011105887
Medinet Habu, Sea Peoples battle, tb011105867
Medinet Habu, Sea Peoples land battle with cart, tb011105838
Medinet Habu, Sea Peoples land battle, tb011105823
Medinet Habu, Sea Peoples sea battle with ship, tb011105865
Medinet Habu, Sea Peoples sea battle, tb011105852
Medinet Habu, Sea Peoples sea battle, tb011105860
Medinet Habu, Sea Peoples sea battle, tb011105863
Medinet Habu, Sea Peoples sea battle, tb011105866
Medinet Habu, Sea Peoples sea battle, tb110600469
Medinet Habu, tb110600392
Medinet Habu, wrestling scene, tb011105895
Men making mudbrick walls at Medinet Habu, tb110600393
Luxor-West Bank (87)
Agricultural fields near Luxor, bb21760079
Colossi of Memnon, tb110600260
Colossi of Memnon, tbs90049701
Colossi of Memnon, temple of Amenhotep III aerial, bb21760056
Conservation work at Ramesseum, tb110600261
Conservation work at Ramesseum, tb110600262
Conservation work at Ramesseum, tb110600263
Deir el-Bahari, Hatshepsut’s temple aerial, bb21760040
Deir el-Medina excavations from south, tb110600270
Deir el-Medina from east, mm091210001
Deir el-Medina from northeast, tb110600274
Deir el-Medina great pit and view, tb110600271
Deir el-Medina houses, tb110600272
Deir el-Medina Ptolemaic temple, tb110600273
Excavations near Ramesseum, tbs109280011
Excavations near Ramesseum, tbs109290011
Excavations near Ramesseum, tbs109300011
Flooding of fields in Luxor West Bank, tb110600290
Harvest on Luxor West Bank, tb110600295
Hatshepsut’s temple entrance, dg041701643
Hatshepsut’s temple aerial, bb21760033
Hatshepsut’s temple chapel of Anubis, tb110600300
Hatshepsut’s temple chapel of Anubis, tb110600301
Hatshepsut’s temple chapel of Anubis, tb110600302
Hatshepsut’s temple chapel to Hathor column, tbs101319811
Hatshepsut’s temple chapel to Hathor, tb110600303
Hatshepsut’s temple drawings, tbs59309012
Hatshepsut’s temple expedition to Punt fat lady, tb110600304
Hatshepsut’s temple expedition to Punt hut, tb110600305
Hatshepsut’s temple expedition to Punt, tb110600306
Hatshepsut’s temple expedition to Punt, tb110600307
Hatshepsut’s temple from above, tb110600267
Hatshepsut’s temple from above, tb110600308
Hatshepsut’s temple from north, tb110600268
Hatshepsut’s temple from north, tb110600269
Hatshepsut’s temple from north, tb110600309
Hatshepsut’s temple, goddess Hathor suckling Hatshepsut, tbs101309811
Hatshepsut’s temple, tbs59289012
Hatshepsut’s temple, tbs59299012
House of Howard Carter, tbs101299811
Luxor West Bank fragments, grass and palms, tbs111020011
Luxor West Bank from Seti I’s mortuary temple roof, tbs109310011
Luxor West Bank view from Ramesseum, tb110600532
Mentuhotep’s temple from above, tb110600396
Mentuhotep’s temple from north, tb110600397
Pyramid over Valley of Kings, tb110600435
Ramesseum aerial, bb21760050
Ramesseum aerial, bb21760054
Ramesseum axis with colossal statue, tb110600438
Ramesseum axis, tb110600439
Ramesseum fallen colossal statue, tb110600440
Ramesseum fallen colossal statue, tbs90019701
Ramesseum from above, tbs109350011
Ramesseum from back, tb110600441
Ramesseum statues, tb110600443
Ramesseum, tbs89359701
Ramesseum interior, tbs89369701
Scrawny cow on Luxor West Bank, tb110600464
Seti I’s mortuary temple court, tb110600473
Seti I’s mortuary temple eagle, tb110600474
Seti I’s mortuary temple hypostyle hall, tbs109250011
Seti I’s mortuary temple portico, tb110600475
Seti I’s mortuary temple roof, tb110600476
Seti I’s mortuary temple, tb110600477
Tomb of Amenhotep II sarcophagus carving, KV 35, df070102105
Tomb of Ramses IX paintings on chamber walls, KV 6, mf113002036
Tomb of Ramses IX wall paintings, KV 6, mf113002037
Tomb of Setnakht wall painting, KV 14, dg041701644
Tomb of Setnakht wall painting, KV 14, dg041701645
Tomb of Siptah colored hieroglyphics on wall, KV 47, mf113002038
Tomb of Siptah wall painting, KV 47, mf113002039
Tomb of Siptah wall painting, KV 47, mf113002040
Tomb of Thutmose I, KV 38, tbs101289811
Tomb of Thutmose III hieroglyphics on wall, KV 34, mf113002042
Tomb of Thutmose III sarcophagus, KV 34, mf113002043
Tomb of Thutmose III writing on wall, KV 34, mf113002044
Tomb of Thutmose IV entrance, KV 43, dg041701648
Transporting stone at Ramesseum, tb110600520
Transporting stone at Ramesseum, tb110600521
Valley of Kings, Tomb of Thutmose III, KV 34, tbs89309701
Valley of Queens tomb of Titi, tbs59259012
Valley of the Kings tomb entrances, tbs109340011
Valley of the Kings, tb110600531
Valley of the Kings, tbs59329012
Valley of the Kings, tomb of Ramses III, KV 11, tbs59339012
Valley of the Queens, dg041701651
Women harvesting with sheep on Luxor West Bank, tbs111010011
Meidum, El-Lahun, Lisht (17)
El-Lahun pyramid from south, tb010705062
El-Lahun pyramid from southwest, tb010705066
Lisht pyramid of Amenemhat I from southeast, tb010705966
Meidum mastaba burial chamber, tb010705024
Meidum mastaba from west, tb010705035
Meidum mastaba southern end, tb010705020
Meidum pyramid from below, tb010705026
Meidum pyramid from below, tb010705037
Meidum pyramid from east, tb010705983
Meidum pyramid from east, tb010705984
Meidum pyramid from north, tb010705009
Meidum pyramid from northwest, tb010705004
Meidum pyramid from south, tb010705993
Meidum pyramid from southwest, tb010705996
Meidum pyramid inner chamber, tb010705032
Meidum pyramid passageway, tb010705033
Meidum pyramid tomb chamber, at010705353
Memphis (15)
Memphis alabaster embalming slab, tb010705949
Memphis alabaster sphinx, tb010705950
Memphis alabaster sphinx, tb010705951
Memphis granite statue of Ramses II, tb010705947
Memphis limestone statue of Ramses II hand, tb010705929
Memphis limestone statue of Ramses II head, tb010705931
Memphis limestone statue of Ramses II, tb010705923
Memphis limestone statue of Ramses II, tb010705928
Memphis museum garden, tb010705942
Memphis stele of Pharaoh Hophra, Apries, tb010705955
Memphis Temple of Ptah ruins, tb010705957
Memphis Temple of Ptah ruins, tb010705958
Memphis Temple of Ptah ruins, tb010705959
Memphis Temple of Ptah ruins, tb010705961
Memphis Temple of Ptah ruins, tb010705962
Nile River Valley (36)
Contrast between desert and Nile River Valley, tbs58239012
Contrast between desert and Nile River Valley, tbs89349701
Felucca on Nile River in Luxor, mf113002004
Ferry in Nile River near Tell el-Amarna, tb010905261
Fields near El-Lahun pyramid, tb010705064
Fishermen on Nile River in Cairo, tbs58299012
Fishermen on Nile River, tbs58289012
Nile River at Kom Ombo, from southeast, tb011005687
Nile River in Cairo, bb21360056
Nile River in Cairo, df070102104
Nile River in Luxor, mf113002026
Nile River in Luxor, tb011105904
Nile River in Minya from west, tb010805140
Nile River island beach, tbs90129701
Nile River near Beni Hasan tombs from northeast, tb010805117
Nile River near Beni Hasan tombs from southeast, tb010805123
Nile River near Beni Hasan tombs from southeast, tb010805124
Nile River near Minya from north, tb010805105
Nile River near Tell el-Amarna from south, tb010905371
Nile River sailboat, tbs60019012
Nile River Valley near Beni Hasan tombs from east, tb010805121
Nile River Valley, tbs59049012
Nile River view upriver, tbs90149701
Nile River with tomb on hillside in Aswan, tbs90109701
Nile shoreline near Tell el-Amarna from southeast, tb010905370
Nile Valley from Meidum pyramid, tb010705036
People along Nile River near Tell el-Amarna, tb010905265
Sunrise over Nile River in Luxor, tb011105809
Sunrise over Nile River in Minya, tb010905161
Sunset over Nile River in Luxor, dg042001642
Sunset over Nile River in Luxor, tb110500501
Sunset over Nile River in Luxor, tbs60029012
Sunset over the Nile in Luxor, jkl111903324
Women washing dishes in canal near Lisht, tb010705972
Women washing in Nile near Tell el-Amarna, tb010905377
Women washing in Nile River by Tell el-Amarna, tb010905258
Saqqara (27)
Nile Valley with Saqqara Step Pyramid of Djoser in distance, tbs58169012
Saqqara Djoser statue replica inside serdab, tb010705886
Saqqara Djoser’s complex colonnade from west, tb010705878
Saqqara Djoser’s complex colonnade, tb010705857
Saqqara Djoser’s complex colonnade, tb010705862
Saqqara Djoser’s complex courtyard, tbs100339811
Saqqara Djoser’s complex entrance facade, tb010705851
Saqqara Djoser’s complex entrance facade, tb010705852
Saqqara Djoser’s complex, Jubilee Court, tb010705879
Saqqara Djoser’s complex, serdab, tbs101019811
Saqqara mastaba of Akhi-Hotep and Ptah-Hotep, tb010705899
Saqqara mastaba of Akhi-Hotep, false doorway, tb010705892
Saqqara mastaba of Ptah-Hotep drawings, tb010705896
Saqqara mastaba of Ptah-Hotep drawings, tb010705897
Saqqara mastaba of Ptah-Hotep drawings, tb010705898
Saqqara pyramid of Unas and 6th Dynasty mastaba, tb010705874
Saqqara pyramid of Unas, tb010705872
Saqqara pyramid of Userkaf from northeast, tb010705913
Saqqara pyramids from Abusir, tb010705831
Saqqara Step Pyramid of Djoser from below, tb010705884
Saqqara Step Pyramid of Djoser from east, tb010705919
Saqqara Step Pyramid of Djoser from northeast, tb010705916
Saqqara Step Pyramid of Djoser from northwest, tb010705912
Saqqara Step Pyramid of Djoser from south, tb010705871
Saqqara Step Pyramid of Djoser real entrance, tbs100369811
Saqqara Step Pyramid of Djoser wood supports, tbs101029811
Saqqara Step Pyramid of Djoser, tbs58229012
Scenes of Egypt (32)
Animals in field south of Minya, tb010905245
Bahr Yusuf, River of Joseph, in Faiyum Oasis, tb010805102
Birds in Lake Qarun in Faiyum Oasis, tb010805094
Fish for sale in Luxor, tb110500289
Fish vendor in Luxor, tb110500349
Fruit vendor south of Minya, tb010905231
Highway south of Minya, tb010905225
House near Lisht, tb010705971
Lake Qarun in Faiyum Oasis from east, tb010805091
Lake Qarun in Faiyum Oasis from northwest, tb010805089
Lake Qarun in Faiyum Oasis from south, tb010805075
Lake Qarun in Faiyum Oasis from west, tb010805083
Luxor street, tb110500353
Main street of Luxor along Nile, tbs5989012
Man selling pottery in Luxor, df070202102
Man selling vegetables in Luxor, df070202103
Man with chicken in Luxor, tb110500350
Men playing game on sidewalk in Luxor, df070202108
Men selling fruit in Luxor, tb110500394
Men selling vegetables in Luxor, tb110500395
Men with donkeys and loaded cart near Tell el-Amarna, tb010905361
Muslim at prayer in Luxor, tbs5999012
Street scene south of Minya, tb010905177
Train south of Minya, tb010905237
Vegetable vendors in Luxor, tb110500379
Vendor in Luxor, df070202109
Vendor smoking water pipe in Luxor, tb110500380
Vendor smoking water pipe in Luxor, tb110500381
Village street at Tell el-Amarna, tb010905299
Water pipes at Kom Ombo, tb011005692
Woman carrying bag on head at Tell el-Amarna, tb010905296
Woman with basket on head in Luxor, df070202110
Sinai Peninsula (79)
Abandoned tank in Sinai desert, tbs57289012
Abu Zenima, possible encampment by Yam Suph, tb032406492
Abu Zenima, possible encampment by Yam Suph, tb032406493
Ayun Musa, possible Marah, spring, tb032306475
Ayun Musa, possible Marah, springs, tb032306453
Ayun Musa, possible Marah, springs, tb032306457
Ayun Musa, possible Marah, springs, tb032306464
Ayun Musa, possible Marah, springs, tb032306465
Ayun Musa, possible Marah, springs, tb032306473
Ayun Musa, possible Marah, springs, tb032306480
Bridge over Suez Canal, tb110300243
Broom tree in Sinai desert near Ein Hudra, Hazeroth, tb062205362
Camels climbing over pass near Ein Hudra oasis, Hazeroth, tb062205408
Camels eating palm leaves in Sinai desert, tb062205413
Camels in Sinai desert near Ein Hudra, Hazeroth, tb062205411
Canyon near Ein Hudra, Hazeroth, tb062205359
Canyon near Ein Hudra, Hazeroth, tb062205370
Canyon near Ein Hudra, Hazeroth, tb062205375
Canyon near Ein Hudra, Hazeroth, tb062205381
Coral Island, possible Ezion Geber, and Sinai mainland, tbs102339812
Coral Island, possible Ezion Geber, from coast, tb030300264
Coral Island, possible Ezion Geber, from north, tb010612917
Coral Island, possible Ezion Geber, from shore, tb032306434
Coral Island, possible Ezion Geber, harbor, tbs102349812
Coral Island, possible Ezion Geber, harbor, tbs102359812
Coral Island, possible Ezion Geber, harbor, tbs102369812
Coral Island, possible Ezion Geber, tower with ancient foundations, tbs102329812
Dahab sunrise over Red Sea, tb032606902
Dahab, possible Dizahab, ancient port, tb032606924
Dahab, possible Dizahab, ancient port, tb032606930
Dahab, possible Dizahab, mountains, tb032606948
Dahab, possible Dizahab, shoreline, tb032606919
Dahab, possible Dizahab, shoreline, tb032606921
Dahab, possible Dizahab, shoreline, tb032606934
Dahab, possible Dizahab, shoreline, tb032606935
Ein Hudra oasis, Hazeroth, tb062205390
Ein Hudra oasis, Hazeroth, tb062205398
Ein Hudra oasis, Hazeroth, tb062205409
El-Arish modern village with beach, tbs100149811
Inlet south of Coral Island, tb030201612
Jebel Hammam Faraun from north, tb032306489
Kadesh Barnea from northeast, gp035
Kadesh Barnea from northwest, gp014
Kadesh Barnea Iron Age fortress from north, gp011
Nuweiba beach village, tb030400411
Nuweiba beach village, tb030400412
Nuweiba with beach, tb030400413
Red Sea view northeast south of Taba, tb011205064
Sinai coast north of Nuweiba, tb061905741
Sinai coast north of Nuweiba, tb061905745
Sinai desert near Ein Hudra, Hazeroth, tb030201637
Sinai desert near Ein Hudra, Hazeroth, tb030300478
Sinai desert near Ein Hudra, Hazeroth, tb030300479
Sinai desert near Ein Hudra, Hazeroth, tb062205315
Sinai desert near Ein Hudra, Hazeroth, tb062205324
Sinai desert near Ein Hudra, Hazeroth, tb062205326
Sinai desert near Ein Hudra, Hazeroth, tb062205329
Sinai desert near Ein Hudra, Hazeroth, tb062205331
Sinai desert near Ein Hudra, Hazeroth, tb062205334
Sinai desert near Ein Hudra, Hazeroth, tb062205338
Sinai desert near Ein Hudra, Hazeroth, tb062205410
Sinai desert sands, tb011205041
Sinai desert sands, tb011205043
Sinai desert sands, tb011205046
Sinai desert sands, tb011205047
Sinai desert with Bedouin dwellings, tbs57279012
Sinai desert with Bedouin woman, tb032306440
Sinai desert with camel rider, tb032306441
Sinai desert, tb032306439
Sinai mountains west of Taba, tb010505507
Sinai mountains west of Taba, tb010505508
Suez Canal from west side, tbs57319012
Suez Canal looking north from ferry, tbs57309012
Suez Canal to north, tb110300498
Suez Canal with ship from Sinai desert, tb032306448
Sunrise in Suez, at010605027
Wadi el-Arish looking north, tbs100159811
Wadi el-Arish looking south, tbs100169811
Wadi Gharandel, possible Elim, from west, tb032306488
Sinai-Jebel Musa, Mount Sinai (102)
Aaron’s hill near Plain of er-Raha, tb032506892
Blue lizard in Sinai mountains, tb062105991
Calf-shaped rock near Plain of er-Raha, tb062205311
Campsite in farsh of Ras Safsafa, tb062105095
Cave in rock near Jebel Musa, tb061905779
Circular buildings on west slope of Jebel Musa, tb062105087
Crowds on Jebel Musa, tb062205180
Deir Arbain from south, tb062105054
Deir Arbain from south, tb062105073
Deir Arbain gardens, tb062105075
Enclosed gardens in Sinai mountains, tb062205276
Farsh on Ras Safsafa, tb062205240
Grape vineyard in Sinai mountains, tb061905758
Jebel Abbas Pasha view to southwest, tb062005876
Jebel Abbas Pasha with palace, tb062005880
Jebel Ahmar rock formations, tb062105003
Jebel Catherine from Jebel Musa, tb062205196
Jebel Catherine from Jebel Musa, tb062205204
Jebel Catherine from Jebel Musa, tb062205210
Jebel Catherine from north, tb062105016
Jebel Catherine from north, tb062205266
Jebel Catherine with full moon from Jebel Musa, tb062205142
Jebel Catherine with full moon rising, tb062005933
Jebel Deir with St Catherine’s Monastery from above, tb062105103
Jebel Deir with St Catherine’s Monastery from south, tb062105120
Jebel Musa chapel from below, tb062105109
Jebel Musa chapel interior with Moses, tb062205218
Jebel Musa chapel interior, tb062205216
Jebel Musa chapel, tb010610888
Jebel Musa from below, tb010610887
Jebel Musa from Jebel Catherine, tb062105037
Jebel Musa from southwest, tb062105021
Jebel Musa from southwest, tb062105050
Jebel Musa from Spring of Elijah, tb062105125
Jebel Musa from west, tb062105063
Jebel Musa Steps of Repentance, tb030201615
Jebel Musa summit with chapel, tb010610889
Jebel Musa with crowds, tb062205233
Jethro’s Mountain from north, tb062205297
Making pita in Sinai mountains, tb062005831
Olive trees in Sinai mountains, tb062005863
Plain of er-Raha from Jebel Abbas Pasha, tb062005892
Plain of er-Raha from Ras Safsafa, tb062205246
Plain of er-Raha from Ras Safsafa, tb062205249
Plain of er-Raha from south, tb062205272
Plain of er-Raha from west, tb061905784
Plain of er-Raha, tb062205278
Ras Safsafa and Sinai mountains north from Jebel Musa summit, tb010610892
Ras Safsafa from Jebel Musa summit, tb030300481
Ras Safsafa from Jebel Musa summit, tb062205040
Sinai mountains from Jebel Catherine panorama, tb062105045
Sinai mountains from Ras Safsafa, tb062205258
Sinai mountains near Wadi Shagg, tb062005923
Sinai mountains north from Jebel Musa summit panorama, tb062205003
Sinai mountains northwest from Jebel Musa summit, tb062205207
Sinai mountains southeast from Jebel Musa summit, tb010610890
Sinai mountains with trees and large rocks, tb061905770
Sinai mountains, tb061905789
Spring in Wadi Ahmar, tb062105961
Spring of Elijah below Jebel Musa summit, dg030201608
Spring of Elijah below Jebel Musa summit, tb030400285
Spring of Elijah from above, tb010610884
St Catherine’s Monastery bell tower with mountain, tb010610863
St Catherine’s Monastery burning bush, tb010610864
St Catherine’s Monastery burning bush, tb010610866
St Catherine’s Monastery closeup, tb062205302
St Catherine’s Monastery entrance, tb062205301
St Catherine’s Monastery from above, tb010610883
St Catherine’s Monastery from above, tb030300490
St Catherine’s Monastery from above, tb062105105
St Catherine’s Monastery from above, tb062105107
St Catherine’s monastery from south, mm091212001
St Catherine’s Monastery garden, tb030300491
St Catherine’s Monastery olive tree, tb010610870
St Catherine’s Monastery well of Moses, tb010610867
St Catherine’s Monastery with Jebel Musa, tb010610874
St Catherine’s Monastery with Jebel Musa, tb062205282
St Catherine’s Monastery with Jebel Musa, tb062205290
St Catherine’s Monastery with Jebel Musa, tb062205294
St Catherine’s Monastery with Jebel Musa, tb062205296
St Catherine’s Monastery with Jethro’s Mountain, tb062205304
St Catherine’s Monastery, tb030201640
St Catherine’s Monastery, tb030400492
Sunrise from Jebel Musa, tb030400499
Sunrise from Jebel Musa, tb030400500
Sunrise from Jebel Musa, tb062205030
Sunrise from Jebel Musa, tb062205032
Terraced garden in Sinai mountains, tb061905783
Wadi Ahmar, tb062105956
Wadi Arbain from northwest, tb061905762
Wadi ed-Deir near Jebel Musa, tb030201652
Wadi ed-Deir to south from St Catherine’s Monastery, tb030201653
Wadi Shagg and Jebel Catherine from northwest, tb062005823
Wadi Shagg from southeast, tb062005853
Wadi Shagg with garden, tb062105936
Wadi Shagg with Jebel Catherine and Sinai mountains from north, tb061905813
Wadi Shagg, tb062105939
Wadi Zuweitin garden with trees, tb062005907
Wadi Zuweitin garden, tb062005914
Wadi Zuweitin with gardens from southeast, tb062005855
Waterhole in Sinai mountains, tb061905796
Waterhole in Sinai mountains, tb062005870
Sinai-Serabit el-Khadim (78)
Axe inscriptions near Serabit el-Khadim, tb032406694
Bedouin on camels near Serabit el-Khadim, tb032506731
Bedouin woman with sheep near Serabit el-Khadim, tb032506719
Boat inscription near Serabit el-Khadim, tb032406681
Boat inscription near Serabit el-Khadim, tb032406685
Bush in wilderness near Jebel Fuga, tb032506777
Bush in wilderness near Jebel Fuga, tb032506779
Camels in wilderness near Serabit el-Khadim, tb032506739
Camp Barakat from area of Serabit el-Khadim temple, tb032406632
Hieroglyphic inscription in Bir Nasib, tb032406550
Hieroglyphics inscribed on rock in Wadi Kharig, tb032406538
Inscriptions near Serabit el-Khadim, tb032406686
Inscriptions near Serabit el-Khadim, tb032406711
Inscriptions near Serabit el-Khadim, tb032406714
Jebel Fuga, Forest of Pillars, tb032506744
Jebel Fuga, Forest of Pillars, tb032506763
Jebel Fuga, Forest of Pillars, tb032506767
Jebel Fuga, Forest of Pillars, with inner core, tb032506768
Jebel Matalla near Serabit el-Khadim, tb032406495
Man inscription near Serabit el-Khadim, tb032406696
Mine near Serabit el-Khadim, tb032406650
Mines near Serabit el-Khadim temple, tb032406630
Mines near Serabit el-Khadim temple, tb032406633
Mines near Serabit el-Khadim temple, tb032406638
Mines near Serabit el-Khadim temple, tb032406643
Mines near Serabit el-Khadim with inscription closeup, tb032406672
Mines near Serabit el-Khadim with inscription, bull, tb032406669
Mines near Serabit el-Khadim with inscription, tb032406662
Mines near Serabit el-Khadim with inscription, tb032406666
Mines near Serabit el-Khadim with inscription, tb032406671
Mines near Serabit el-Khadim with inscription, tb032406673
Mines near Serabit el-Khadim, tb032406651
Mines near Serabit el-Khadim, tb032406655
Mines near Serabit el-Khadim, tb032406657
Mines near Serabit el-Khadim, tb032406660
Mines near Serabit el-Khadim, tb032406661
Sand dune near Serabit el-Khadim, tb032406556
Sand road near Serabit el-Khadim, tb032406518
Serabit el-Khadim temple area with mines, tb032406678
Serabit el-Khadim temple compound, tb032406573
Serabit el-Khadim temple from east, tb032406576
Serabit el-Khadim temple from east, tb032406591
Serabit el-Khadim temple from west, tb032406592
Serabit el-Khadim temple from west, tb032406615
Serabit el-Khadim temple from west, tb032406659
Serabit el-Khadim temple inscription, tb032406612
Serabit el-Khadim temple inscriptions, tb032406594
Serabit el-Khadim temple inscriptions, tb032406595
Serabit el-Khadim temple inscriptions, tb032406597
Serabit el-Khadim temple inscriptions, tb032406598
Serabit el-Khadim temple shrine area, tb032406589
Serabit el-Khadim temple shrine, tb032406580
Serabit el-Khadim temple stelae, tb032406587
Serabit el-Khadim temple stele closeup, tb032406606
Serabit el-Khadim temple stele deteriorated, tb032406627
Serabit el-Khadim temple stele, tb032406605
Serabit el-Khadim temple with Hathor column, tb032406570
Serabit el-Khadim temple, mm091211004
Serabit el-Khadim temple, monkey statue, tb032406581
Serabit el-Khadim temple, tb032406611
Sheep in wilderness near Serabit el-Khadim, tb032506725
Trees in wadi near Serabit el-Khadim, tb032406519
Wadi Kharig mines, tb032406532
Wadi Kharig mines, tb032406535
Wadi Kharig near Serabit el-Khadim, tb032406528
Wadi Kharig with ancient mines, tb032406545
Wadi Kharig with ancient mines, tb032406546
Wadi Kharig with ancient mines, tb032406547
Wadi near Serabit el-Khadim temple, tb032406631
Wadi near Serabit el-Khadim, tb032406561
Wadi near Serabit el-Khadim, tb032506782
Wadi near Serabit el-Khadim, tb032506783
Wilderness jeep caravan near Serabit el-Khadim, mm091211002
Wilderness near Jebel Fuga, Forest of Pillars, tb032506752
Wilderness near Serabit el-Khadim panorama, tb032406505
Wilderness near Serabit el-Khadim, tb032406511
Wilderness near Serabit el-Khadim, tb032406513
Wilderness near Serabit el-Khadim, tb032406521
Sinai-Wadi Feiran (28)
Acacia tree in Wilderness of Sin, tb032506818
Acacia tree in Wilderness of Sin, tb032506820
Shepherd with flock in Wadi Mukattab, tb032506813
Wadi Feiran ancient monastery ruins, tb032506831
Wadi Feiran ancient monastery ruins, tb032506833
Wadi Feiran ancient monastery ruins, tb032506841
Wadi Feiran mountains, tb032506886
Wadi Feiran mountains, tb032506891
Wadi Feiran oasis with goats, tb032506853
Wadi Feiran oasis with Jebel Serbal, tb032506865
Wadi Feiran oasis with Jebel Serbal, tb032506867
Wadi Feiran oasis, farming in wadi, tb032506873
Wadi Feiran oasis, tb032506840
Wadi Feiran oasis, tb032506864
Wadi Feiran oasis, tb032506868
Wadi Feiran oasis, tb032506874
Wadi Feiran with village, tb032506850
Wadi Maghara mine, tb032506789
Wadi Maghara mine, tb032506791
Wadi Maghara mine, tb032506796
Wadi Maghara mine, tb032506798
Wadi Maghara mine, tb032506800
Wadi Maghara mine, tb032506801
Wadi Maghara mine, tb032506804
Wadi Maghara mine, tb032506807
Wadi Maghara with mines, tb032506812
Wadi Mukattab inscription, tb032506811
Wadi Mukattab, tb032506810
Tell el-Amarna (19)
Tell el-Amarna area east of Royal Residence, tb010905328
Tell el-Amarna area, tb010905270
Tell el-Amarna northern tomb carving, musicians, tb010905282
Tell el-Amarna northern tomb, tb010905278
Tell el-Amarna northern tombs area, tb010905273
Tell el-Amarna northern tombs, tb010905280
Tell el-Amarna Records Office archive area east of Royal Residence, tb010905336
Tell el-Amarna Royal Residence from east, tb010905327
Tell el-Amarna Royal Residence from north, tb010905332
Tell el-Amarna Royal Residence from southeast, tb010905326
Tell el-Amarna Small Temple of Aten from north, tb010905322
Tell el-Amarna Small Temple of Aten from west, tb010905317
Tell el-Amarna Small Temple of Aten from west, tb010905318
Tell el-Amarna tomb of Mery-Re I entrance, tb010905292
Tell el-Amarna tomb of Mery-Re I painting, tb010905288
Tell el-Amarna tomb of Mery-Re I painting, tb010905289
Tell el-Amarna tomb of Mery-Re I painting, tb010905291
Tell el-Amarna tomb of Mery-Re I, Akhenaten, tb010905283
Tell el-Amarna tomb of Mery-Re I, Akhenaten, tb010905287